Here is another translation from C++ to Delphi by Victor Derevyanko project: Because the first method (WithZeroRights) doesn't work for me, I wrote another for ReadIdeDriveAsScsiDriveInNT method: unit HDScsiInfo; interface uses Windows, SysUtils; const IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE = 512; FILE_DEVICE_SCSI = $0000001b; IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT_IDENTIFY = ((FILE_DEVICE_SCSI shl 16) + $0501); IDE_ATA_IDENTIFY = $EC; // Returns ID sector for ATA. Tems dongle cracker price. Posting this purely for completeness sake, and to possibly satisfy those interested or die hard hardware fanatics. I do not have a Pascal compiler at my disposal to test these routines on current Windows systems, but I do know this code worked back in the DOS era.


I wanted to get the serial number assigned by Hard disk manufacturer. The serial number is usually printed in the hard disk. Normally to get the serial number, I have to take out the hard disk. Is it possible to know the hard drive serial number from command prompt or in other way.

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Maybe it still works from a command prompt window.

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