Fushi Tensei neg-dif _____________________ really though aside from the fact that Minato is somewhat portrayed to be on Orochimarus level I can't see Orochimaru pulling through this battle. His regen/durability can only take him so far in this battle and considering Minato is hyped to be experienced with sealing jutsu Edo Tensei shouldn't be a huge problem for him. I don't know.

This battle is complicated because you have Minato who lacks the firepower to put Orochimaru down completely then you have Orochimaru who isn't going to land anything on Minato. I suppose Minato could just tag Orochimaru and from there on he'd be able to just fuck Orochimaru with Rasengans until he goes down. I'll give this to Minato Mid-High Difficulty. Really, if Orochimaru somehow manages to even capture Minato with his snakes which would be a miracle given Minato's superior reflexes and speed, Minato can simply just zip out with FTG like a rat. What's more, Minato can easily tag Orochimaru and bamflash him relentlessly until one of them gives in due to lack of stamina. But I see Orochimaru as a tough sucker who won't fall easily even after a few Rasengans.

The only way Orochimaru can win is by unleashing his true form and allowing Minato to touch his blood, which is poisonous. I can actually see that happening. Click to expand.I don't think this totally applies because hiruzens lack of killing intent is compensated for by his increase in knowledge.

He knew hashirama and tobirama personally and Orochimaru was his student, so the CIS/PIS only counts for so much when excusing his incompetence in that fight in comparison to Minatos potential. Regardless of his emotions, he had enough knowledge not to get his ass kicked so bad whether he's trying hard or not. I think he lost because he lost, not that I'm sure Minato would do significantly better but I'm leaning towards agreeing with that conclusion. On one hand, Oro has ok attacks, high regen and kage bodyguards.

On another, Minato pretty much blitzes everyone here (since Edo Tensei weakens the kage siblings), but has low damage. Gonna have to go with Minato via Contract Seal which removes the control over the summon, which would either mean Edo kages die, or Edo kages side with Minato and lols at Oro. That and Minato can make big Oodama Rasengans, and that he can go Senpo: Rasengan could probably be enough. Else, he trolls with Hiraishin: Dorai.


Like others pointed out, ET is a non factor here. They are too slow to tag minato and Minato can use contract seal to dispell the jutsu anyways. Whats problematic is Yamata no Orochi, Oro's poison and his resillience. Can go eitherway honestly based on feats. Minato can use as many rasengans as he likes, he is not putting a dent on Yamata no Orochi. Other than ShikiFuuin he has no way of handling this.

Oro is just a bad match up. Although if they were to fight in the manga Minato would likely have a convenient method to deal with Yamata no Orochi. Contract Seal GG Edos are either gone forever now, or they join team yondaime and oro gets murdered. Either way oro gets murdered honestly, as Minato can also blitz outright and kill oro with a odama+ sized rasengan to the skull. Download running man exo episode 171 eng sub indo. Theres also hype going for minato, hes portrayed at sannin+ level, has feats to back it up, and according to hiruzen and anko, minato could beat oro when they both believed the third himself couldnt.

Orochimaru Vs The Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi English Sub Naruto Dodges Raikage's Fastest Punch and Activated Yellow Flash Speed [60FPS] Naruto Shippuden Funniest Moments in Entire Show Compilation!! Orochimaru vs The Third Hokage Sarutobi HIruzen.

Theres a reason oro got passed over to become the 4th, minato is simply gooder, all there is to it. Sōjasōsai no Jutsu/Twin Snake Sacrifice Technique This forbidden technique is a murder-suicide attack, killing both the user and the target. Capitalism 2 game.

The user makes a one-handed seal with both their hand and the intended victim's. Two snakes are then from the user's sleeve, biting both their wrists and killing them with deadly venom. When used this technique against, he replaced himself with a clone to avoid harm, leaving Anko unable to finish the technique - which wouldn't even be suicide since Orochimaru himself would be immune to the poisons. Click to expand.I'm not a big fan of those terms, but it's true that mindsets should be taken into consideration, and both were hindered to some degree. So I can see what you mean when you say that it's not an entirely fair representation of how powerful they are compared to each other.

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