Found this discussion group on Yairi guitars. Also there's a couple of yairi websites &. A friend of mine had a Yairi that she wanted to sell & we found out there are 2 Yairi manufacturers S. We couldn't work out which had made her guitar & therefore what price to put on it. Ultimately, she didn't care, she just wanted to sell it as it hadn't be used for many a year & all interest in playing the guitar had long since gone.

This site has some current K. Yairia guitars for sale, might give you a clue,. Kampret wrote:Found this discussion group on Yairi guitars. Also there's a couple of yairi websites &. A friend of mine had a Yairi that she wanted to sell & we found out there are 2 Yairi manufacturers S.

We couldn't work out which had made her guitar & therefore what price to put on it. Ultimately, she didn't care, she just wanted to sell it as it hadn't be used for many a year & all interest in playing the guitar had long since gone. This site has some current K. Yairia guitars for sale, might give you a clue,. Pepe wrote:I have had three Kazuo Yairi guitars. They are much better than the S. I still have one.

A discussion group for Alvarez-Yairi and K. Yairi guitar enthusiasts. Pictures of hand making process, info on various models, links, tips, etc. Members are from. Anybody know if the Yairi serial number code applies to the rest of alvarez s line of guitars. Hi there - I own a K. Yairi classical guitar with a rectangular label inside the sound hole. This label provides the following info: Hand Crafted K. Yairi - Anne 1978 - Model No YC40 - Serial No. 12571 - 53.3.06 - Kani, Gifu, Japan. I live in Denmark so the numbers may be especially European?

K Yairi Guitars Serial Numbers

KYairi was bought by Alvarez or something like that. Most of KYairi are labeled Alvarez Yairi. They are very good guitars. I have only seen S.

Once, and could not play it. It had a broken neck. The KYairy Annie models from the $700 may be running in the $700 - $1200. I will be placing an Alvarez Yairi - Signed by K.Yairi on e bay in few weeks, after I reset the neck and refinish the top. Start price: $300.

K Yairi Guitars Serial Numbers

Some of the good guitar stores will value a guitar for you. I've heard the Acoustic Centre in South Melbourne offers this service. They also sell guitars on consignment. There's bound to be someone in SA who'll do this if it's important to you.

Might be worth reaching for the phone book. As far as Japanese guitars go, like most places there is a range of qualities. I play a Matsuoka guitar bought for me by my teacher many years ago & I enjoy playing it. It's a good guitar with a beautiful tone. Do you like playing the Yairi? This ultimately is what matters. (Unless of course you're planning on re-selling it, then the value is important.). Artikulyacionnie profili zvukov.

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