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If your radio is fro renault try this one: 6733 For daewoo some radio codes are: 2253, 3116, 3451, 2152, 4362, 4316 4316, 4513, 4362, 1156, 2145, 1156 6451, 6361, 5624, 5241, 3346, 1165 3241, 4524, 5436, 5813, 3265, 5624 2453, 3462, 3251, 5445, 8253, 1156 2346, 4853, 6645, 5253, 1325, 4136 3116, 3221, 2151, 5312, 2654, 4314 6234, 4356, 1415, 1435. Instrukciya daewoo agc 1220rf ar. Here are some radio code for Daewoo, but I think that if you'll enter more than two times wrong code, the radio will be locked an you need to wait some minutes (or to disconnect battery) to reenter a new code.

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