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Contents • • • • • Structure and reactions [ ] The molecule has a bent structure. The superoxide anion, O − 2, and the hydroperoxyl radical exist in in: O − 2 + H 2O ⇌ HO 2 + OH − The of HO 2 is 4.88. The concentration of HO2 in the cytosol of a cell is calculated to be about 0.3%.

A hydrocele testis is an accumulation of clear fluid in the tunica vaginalis, the most internal of membranes containing a testicle. A primary hydrocele causes a painless enlargement in the scrotum on the affected side and is thought to be due to the defective absorption of fluid secreted between the two layers of the tunica vaginalis.

It oxidizes to nitrogen dioxide: NO + HO 2 → NO 2 + HO Reactive oxygen species in biology [ ] Together with its, hydroperoxyl is an important. Unlike O − 2, which has reducing properties, HO 2 can act as an oxidant in a number of biologically important reactions, such as the abstraction of hydrogen atoms from and in the. As such, it may be an important initiator of. Importance for atmospheric chemistry [ ] Gaseous hydroperoxyl is involved in reaction cycles that destroy stratospheric. It is also present in the troposphere, where it is essentially a byproduct of the oxidation of carbon monoxide and of by the radical. Because dielectric constant has a strong effect on p K a, and the dielectric constant of air is quite low, superoxide produced (photochemically) in the atmosphere is almost exclusively present as HO 2.

As HO 2 is quite reactive, it acts as a 'cleanser' of the atmosphere by degrading certain organic pollutants. As such, the chemistry of HO 2 is of considerable geochemical importance. Nomenclature [ ] Hydroperoxyl is also known as superoxide. References [ ]. 14 (4): 1041–1091.

• ^ Heard, Dwayne E.; Pilling, Michael J. 'Measurement of OH and HO 2 in the Troposphere'. Gta 4 xbox 360 torrent iso Chemical Reviews. 103: 5163–5198. CS1 maint: Uses authors parameter () • Liskow, Dean H.; Schaefer, Henry F., III; Bender, Charles F. 'Geometry and electronic structureof the hydroperoxyl Radical'. Journal of the American Chemical Society.

CS1 maint: Uses authors parameter () • De Grey, Aubrey D. 'HO 2: The Forgotten Radical'. DNA and Cell Biology.

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21: 251–257. CS1 maint: Uses authors parameter () •. Glossary of Meteorology.

American Meteorological Society. 25 April 2012.

Retrieved 22 August 2013. •: p. 73 and 320.

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