Frog in the Well: Why we fail to live at peace with one another In a well a little away from the sea, there lived a big black frog. He had been born there and not for a single day been out. He knew Nothing of World outside. He grew fat on the worms that lived in well and also the insects that chanced to fall in.


He was enjoying a nap one day, when afrog from sea fell in with a big splash of high tide. He woke up thinking a big insect had fallen in. Great was his surprise when he looked again ' 'O God!'

Swami Vivekananda Chicago Speeches Malayalam 1893 സ്വാമി വിവേകാനന്ദന്റെ ചിക്കാഗോ പ്രസംഗങ്ങള്‍ ൧.

Our frog said to himself, 'it looks like a frog.though it isn't black like me 'With out showing that he is afraid,he asked in grave voice,'Hallo there, Who 're you?' 'I am a stranger', replied the frog from the sea. 'I Know you don't belong here. Tell me your business of being here?' Lekcii po farmakologii dlya med kolledzha.

'Well, friend, I'd no intention of coming here. I fell in by chance.

But of course I 'm happy to meet you.' Our frog wasn't satisfied wanted to know more 'ok tell me 'where 're you from?'

'I 'm from the sea.' What's that.How big is it? Is it this big? He asked as he took leap from one side to other of the well. 'My friend', said the other smiling, 'how do you compare the sea with your little well?' Then our frog took another leap and asked 'Is your sea this big?' 'What nonsense!

To compare the sea with your well! It's thousands and thousands of times bigger than your well', 'No, there can be nothing bigger than my well.

You're a liar, I don't believe you.' 'That's because you've never seen the sea. Come with me. I'll show you the sea and then you'll know the TRUTH.' 'Indeed, I won't go with you. You can't be honest, you go off my well' The frog from the sea saw there was no use arguing so he left quietly.

Our frog laughed to himself and said 'Hahaha! He thought I am a fool'. He leaped once more from one side of well to other!'

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Swami Vivekananda (1863–1902) was an Indian Hindu monk and a key figure in the introduction of Indian philosophies of and to the western world. He was one of the most influential philosophers and social reformers in his contemporary India and the most successful and influential missionaries of Vedanta to the Western world. Indian Nobel laureate poet 's suggested to study the works of Vivekananda to understand India. He also told, in Vivekananda there was nothing negative, but everything positive. In last one century, hundreds of scholarly books have been written on Vivekananda, his works and his philosophy in different languages., who was a disciple and a friend of Vivekananda, wrote two books.

The first one was published in 1910 and the second one was published in 1913. 's lifelong research work, a series of six volumes of books, was first published in two volumes in 1957. In 1983-87 these series was republished in six volumes.

Bengali scholar and critic Sankari Prasad Basu, who was a director of Swami Vivekananda Archives, wrote several books on Vivekananda such as Vivekananda o Samakalin Bharatbarsha ( (in Bengali) 7 volumes), Sahasya Vivekananda (in Bengali), Bandhu Vivekananda (in Bengali) etc. Monks of Ramakrishna Math and Mission too have written several notable books on the life and works of Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda and Modern India written by Swami Jagadiswarananda was first published in 1941. In this book the author covered the biography of Vivekananda in brief. Wrote Vivekananda: A Biography which was first published in 1943 from. Yuganayak Vivekananda (in Bengali), written by was first published in 1966–1967. •, p. 52 •, p. 11 •, p. 14 •, p. 59 • ^, p. 314 •, p. 299 • ^, p. 326 •, p. 121 •, p. 316 • ^.

Retrieved 12 December 2012. Works cited [ ] • Bharathi, K. Concept Publishing Company.

• Chaube, Sarayu Prasad (2005). Concept Publishing Company. • Vivekananda, Swami (2006).

Orient Blackswan. Retrieved 8 July 2013. • Mohapatra, Amulya Ranjan (2009).

• Piazza, Paul (1978). Columbia University Press. • Chattopadhyaya, Rajagopal (1999). Motilal Banarsidass.

• Dutt, Kartik Chandra (1999). Sahitya Akademi. External links [ ] • •.

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